IAS தேர்வுக்கு படிக்கும் போது பின் வரும் சில வழிமுறைகளை பின்பற்றி படித்தால் வெற்றி நிச்சயம் என்பதில் ஐயமில்லை. IAS தேர்வில் இலகுவாக வெற்றி படிக்கட்டுகளை கடக்க ஆங்கில அறிவு என்பது அத்தியாவசியமாகிறது. எனவே இந்த வலை தளத்தில் இனி வரும் பதிவுகள் பெரும்பாலும் ஆங்கில வழியிலேயே இருக்கும். இது தமிழ் வழி மாணவ, மாணவிகள் ஆங்கிலப்பதிவில் படிப்பதற்கு சிரமமில்லாதவாறு, மிக எளிய ஆங்கில நடையிலேயே பதிவுகள் இருக்கும்.
IAS தேர்வாளர்களுக்கு முதற்கட்ட ஆலோசனைகள் :
1. Be very particular about the subject you choose for prelims, as you will be appearing for an objective type of paper. History, maths, geography may prove to be very scoring. Choose subjects which have availability of books, reading material and guidance. In recent years engineering subjects like civil and electrical can be chosen, giving BEs and IITians an edge (yes! even here they are giving the BAs and BScs a tough fight!)
2. G.K. will definitely pay in your prelims. Reading newspapers, watching TV news and of course quiz shows like KBC is a must.
3. If you have been lucky enough to reach the interview stage book knowledge may not be the only thing you need. Your mental alertness will count as they ask you questions like “How many steps did you walk up to reach here?” or “ What is the colour of the wall behind you ?” - So be prepared.
4. Enhance your personality because it will definitely be one of the criteria for selection. For IPS physical wellbeing is of great importance, you should be medically fit.
5. Improve your communication skills. IFS aspirants must be proficient in at least one foreign language. So go ahead, have your say in this political mess of our country and try to make it a better place.
IAS தேர்வில் எளிதாக வெற்றி பெற பின் வரும் ஐந்து முக்கிய நடைமுறைகளை பின்பற்ற முயற்சிக்க வேண்டும.
1. Take frequent short breaks.
It’s been shown that your memory will remember more at the beginning and at the end of your study sessions than it will in the middle of those sections. Therefore, it makes sense to keep your study periods to a short time frame, say 20-30 minutes at most, take a 5-minute break, then come back and study another 20-30 minutes. This way, your mind will be sharper and you’ll be more focused on what you’re studying.
2. Space out your studying so that your long-term memory retains it.
Another reason to not wait until the night before the exam to study is because the information will stay in your long-term memory. If you wait until the night before the exam, the information will only be in your short-term memory, where it is more likely to be forgotten.
3. Don’t try to memorize everything; make sure you understand the material well.
Understanding the material is key to doing well on college exams because often these exams will ask you to demonstrate your understanding of that material by applying it to a situation. Your study material may have presented a sample case for you to help you prepare, but if you didn’t understand the process of how you came to the right answer, chances are, you won’t be able to demonstrate the ability to answer the question on the exam, which will likely lead you to doing poorly on the exam.
4. Listen to relaxing music to ease the boredom of studying.
Listening to relaxing music like classical or jazz can help to relieve some of the boredom of studying. Sitting for extended periods of time, even with short breaks, can cause the mind to dull a bit over time; playing relaxing music can help to revitalize yourself to refocus on the material and study it better.
5. Don’t study later than the time you usually go to sleep.
It is suggested that you don’t stay up past the time you usually go to sleep, as you may be tempted to fall asleep, being that your body is used to going to sleep at a certain time. That is why studying in the afternoon or early evening would be better. If you are a morning person, wake up at your usual time or even a bit earlier and study then, rather than staying up past your bedtime to study.
This is another reason why you shouldn’t wait until the night before the exam to do all of your studying, as you will likely need a few hours to study in order to cover all the material if you haven’t been studying it throughout the course.
நீங்கள் பள்ளி மாணவராக இருந்தால் ( பின் வரும் நடைமுறைகளை இப்பொழுதே கடைபிடிக்க ஆரம்பியுங்கள் )
1.Read your school textbooks thoroughly. This is the building block of your general knowledge base.
2.Read one national newspaper regularly.
3.Watch one TV news regularly.
4.Follow discussions/debates on one TV channel regularly.
5.Read one national news magazine.
6.If possible, read one competitive examination magazine also.
7.Discuss news items with family members and friends that will confidence and different points of view.
8.Be alert to learn new things.
9.Keep an open mind to learn what is happening around you.
நீங்கள் கல்லூரி மாணவராக இருந்தால் ( பின் வரும் நடைமுறைகளை இப்பொழுதே கடைபிடிக்க ஆரம்பியுங்கள் )
1.If you decide to make civil services a career at college stage, try to follow these things:
2.Learn your subject thoroughly.
3.Read NCERT books very carefully as they are little encyclopedias and also comprehend them carefully.
4.Study India yearbook published by Publication Division, Ministry of I&B. This will give you the base and a bird's eye view about India.
5.Read one national newspaper and a magazine thoroughly.
6.Watch TV news (one prime time bulletin which covers major national and international news every day). TV channels give an overall news/views scenario on their prime time slots.
7.Listening to morning news bulletins/analysis of All India Radio is a must. They provide invaluable background information and a balanced opinion on major issues. Evening news bulletins of AIR give an overview of the prominent news stories of the day.
8.Follow one competitive examination magazine regularly. That will give you the latest trends about civil services and other competitive examinations and also give you important information in capsule form.
9.Discussions on current affairs on standard TV channel should be followed by a student to learn "how the arguments take place and how arguments are built up".
10.Discuss things/news items with your friends and family members that will give confidence of taking a stand against any issue.
11.Once you enter 3rd year of your preparation, you can go through the question papers of the previous years of CSE. Students in the first year also can go through these papers, but it would be difficult for a person to understand all the questions because he/she might have not studied the entire syllabi.
12.Normally four questions from the syllabus are asked which are of PG level if the subject is from the Arts or Science stream. So one should go through the syllabus first, then decide about taking the questions for the test.
13.In the first step itself, if you take the question paper and if you don't know most of the questions, it will deject you. There is nothing to get dejected at this stage.
14.If you complete your one optional at the college level itself, it will be easy for you to crack the Civil Services in the first attempt itself. If you clear the exam before the age of 23 that will make you eligible to become Secretary to Government of India/ Chief Secretary of a State - and even go up to the rank of Cabinet Secretary.
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